
New Year. Same Shit. Different Day.

It is now 2019. I never imagined that I would make it this far. Honestly, I never really thought of it that much at all until this week. Everyone is going on about all the people that they are bringing in and cutting out of their lives this year. Me? I have other things on my mind.

Like, for starters, the fact that is so socially acceptable to never be satisfied with the progress you’ve made since the previous year. Why is that? Why do I see SO MANY peole posting things like: “Everything that I’ve done in 2018 isn’t shit! 2019 is now!” These are people that I’ve seen do AMAZING things in the course of a year. They seem to post that same thing every year. When will their progress be enough? I guess all this is just a matter of perspective.

This is a big deal for me because being satisfied with my progress has been a problem that I’ve struggled with. If I notice any improvement, even the SLIGHTEST bit, I would be MORE than grateful. I have actually improve a lot in the past year.

I’ve made some new friends since I moved in with my current roommates. We all play Dungeons and Dragons together. I had never played before I met these guys at work that invited me to play. It’s nice because it gives me something to look forward to every Thursday. It’s also a good way to just relax and unwind from the work week.

I’m also saving money a HELL of a lot better since I changed jobs. Not just because I’m getting paid weekly, but because most of the time, I am too tired to spend any money. This job ALMOST gets me to the point where I don’t really have to worry about money as much.

I love that I am writing again and more frequently than I used to. I’ve found that prewriting my post in this pocket notebook before I post it online helps me get the motivation to post more often. I find that funny because it took the simplest change in routine to get the motivation to do the ONE THING that makes me happy. Writing is one of my only vices. You would think that I wouldn’t need anything to do that.

I didn’t do anything exciting this new year. I was actually sick from New Years Eve until about a few minutes after New Years Day began. I hope you all had a way better new year than me. If you made a resolution, I hope that you stick by it. I hope that 2019 brings you joy and happiness. I REALLY hope the same for myself as well. Happy New Year!

Tis The Season

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas day. I know I did. I pretty much slept in for like 9 hours. My parents had to work and most of my other immediate family live too far away for me to drive. I got a decent haul. Mostly money which I always welcome.

Ah Christmas… The time of year that is supposed to be about family, friends and getting to spend time and share the holiday with one another. Unfortunately, that isn’t true for most people. Namely myself…

First off, let’s get something straight. I don’t hate Christmas itself. I just hate most of the people on Christmas. It’s like everyone forgets common decency during the holidays. “Timmy” just HAS to have this Lego Star Wars set and they will kick the shit out of anyone who tries to get it before them.

Christmas is just so materialistic to most people. Someone I know once told me that they couldn’t have a good Christmas because they didn’t have any money for presents. I can understand wanting to get your loved ones something, but it doesn’t have to be a bad Christmas if you can’t. I told them at least they get to spend it with their family and friends. They answered with something that kind of burned me up inside. They said that Christmas is for the kids…. I don’t agree with that at all.

Christmas is for anyone that wants to celebrate it. We’re taught as children that if we’re bad, “Santa” will give us a lump of coal for Christmas. For me, that taught us that we were suppose to be good, SIMPLY for that reason and that reason alone. Whether or not they meant it that way, that is how we interpreted it. Christmas became the only time we were on our best behavior. I feel like that is the reason most of us are so materialistic about Christmas.

I have worked retail most of my life. I have seen some of the most horrible things while doing so. People are fighting, trampling and screaming at each other over tvs, computers, toys, ect… It’s just fucking sad. Mainly because it took me being an adult and finally seeing it for myself to sink in. It almost breaks my heart to see people fighting over things that they just spent saying they were thankful for on Thanksgiving. I don’t know…. Maybe it’s just me that has this view of Christmas. I just wish we had more kind people around that holiday, or any day for that matter.

My family isn’t much better. Most Christmas’, I prefer to spend alone, rather than with my family. It seems like every year, they are at each others throats and fighting. Everyone has something to complain about every year. I love my family to death, but that kind of stuff makes me want to avoid them like the plague. Anymore it messes with my anxiety because I can’t be around conflict.

It’s not all bad though. There ARE some kind people in the world that just want to see everyone happy. I am one of those people. I just wish that kindness was as contagious as the flu is this season. I hope everyone has a wonderful new year. Talk to you all next Friday.











For What It’s Worth

In my almost month and a half long absence, I go to thinking… None of you really know anything about me, apart from the fact that I suffer from severe anxiety and depression. I figured now is a good time to tell you guys about me. Now… Where to begin.

I suppose I should start off with who I am. My name is Jesse, but I go by Valken. I chose the name Valken about 6 years ago. The funny thing is, there is no significant meaning behind the name. I just thought it was a pretty badass name to use in my writing and as a gamer tag. I later added “The Centenar” after it because I thought it went well together. “The Centenar” is also my twitter name. Now, Valken The Centenar is what I go by with everything.

I’ve lived in Kansas for most of my life, starting with a little town called Parsons. I liked small towns when I was younger. Nothing was ever too far to walk, or drive to. Parsons is where it all started.

Like me, most people have things that they wish they would have done differently. For me, it’s that I wish I hadn’t gone outside the summer before I started Kindergarten. I should have just stayed inside the entire summer.

I won’t go into too much detail about it. What I will tell you is that the girl that lived next door to me is one of the reasons why I am the way that I am today. The things she did to me and a few other boys in the neighborhood were unspeakable and unforgivable. It was that summer that I started having trouble sleeping at night.

The really fucked up part is that it didn’t stop there. Fast forward about two years later. We moved from that neighborhood into a new house. My parents then decided that they wanted to adopt another kid. She was a girl named Carolyn. I was so excited because I FINALLY would have someone closer to my age that I could talk to and play with.

It started off great. We would stay up late talking and listening to music. It was starting to feel good to have a slightly older sister to sort of balance things out. We got close enough to where I felt comfortable telling her more personal things. I told her about what happened to me that summer. Now, keep in mind, I hadn’t even told my parents about this yet. I honestly didn’t really understand what was happening at the time because I was so young. She told me that she wouldn’t tell anyone. She even gave me words of comfort. Telling me that it wasn’t my fault and that everything would be ok. They were LIES. ALL OF THEM.

She began to become manipulative. She would make me steal things for her like snacks and drinks from the kitchen at late hours of the night. If I didn’t do what she wanted, she would threaten to tell everyone what I told her. She said she would tell everyone that I wanted it. She wouldn’t let me sleep. If I fell asleep, she would hit me until I woke up.

It got to a point where I had finally had enough. I told her that I wouldn’t do those things for her anymore. She threatened to tell again, but I told her that I didn’t care anymore. I thought that I had finally gotten the better of her, but I was wrong. That night, she snuck into my room and took something from me that I can never get back. She held me down and forced herself upon me. I was 8 years old. I lost my virginity when I was 8. She had taken what little innocence I had left from what the other girl did to me. I still don’t sleep well since that day.

My parents must have suspected something was wrong. I figured this because a few days later, they told us that they were going to the store, but they actually waited in their room to listen to what we were talking about. They heard Carolyn talk about everything she did. She sounded so proud of herself. Shortly after, they called me downstairs and I told them everything that she had done. Carolyn was sent away. It didn’t matter much though… She already took everything from me.

To say that it fucked me up would be the understatement of the year. What they did to me, caused me to do things equally as bad, or even worse than they did. So bad in fact, that I was sent to live with my grandmother in Washington when I was 14 years old. My mom DID take me to a psychologist after what happened with Carolyn. It didn’t help much then because I honestly had NO IDEA what he was talking about. He was just naming all kinds of body parts trying to figure out where she touched me. I really just agreed with everything he said, so I could leave and go back home. I didn’t want to talk to him. I didn’t want to talk to anyone.

My grandmother sent me to a psychologist as well when I was sent to live with her. Again, I didn’t talk. I actually denied everything. I didn’t want to be there. I was just so angry. Angry at them. Angry and ashamed with myself for the things I had done as a result of it. I wanted to die. I thought that was what I deserved.

That Christmas, my mom got me a journal. She thought that if I write things down, it would help. I picked up a pen and began writing. Once I started, I didn’t stop until my hands began to cramp. I filled up 3/4 of that journal in a matter of few hours. It felt nice to write everything out on paper. It didn’t help completely,  but it did help a bit.

I wouldn’t end up seeking help on my own until I was 19 years old. I told the Psychiatrist everything that I did and everything that was done to me as a child. That was the day that I was officially diagnosed with depression and anxiety. He prescribed me some drug called Abilify. I hated it. It didn’t really help my depression. It actually made it worse. I would just shut down when I took it. I stopped taking it. I have been put on several others, but none of them seem to help balance things out at all. I kept going to sessions though because at least the sessions helped me to forgive myself, but only a little bit. Apart of me still blames myself. It’s really hard not to.

Now… I am still depressed and anxious. I don’t think that it will ever go away. I still don’t feel like I’ve slept a wink since I was 5. I have the same nightmare every night. Their faces are the only ones I see when I close my eyes. I have moments where everything comes back. I just sit there and stare off into space. Writing helps with that though. Writing things down sort of helps keep the demons at bay.

I often think that my insomnia is more of a punishment for the things I have done. I am still not done paying for all of my sins. Maybe I never will be. For now, I have my paper, pens, and the few friends I have to keep me a little ok I guess.






How could anyone associate with someone that cares about nothing. You don’t have to care about everything. Who can, but…. nothing? Nothing at all? Those type of people aren’t even interesting to talk to. You want nothing more to get away from them when they enter a room. If you’re an empath like me, you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. The thing is, though…. There are worse people out there.

The thing about sociopaths is, you KNOW they don’t care. Especially if you’re an empath like me. The worst people are those that pretend to care. The ones that mind fuck you into thinking that they are your friends. The ones that pretend to be there for you until you hit rock bottom. Then they just ghost on you. Those people are the reason that I am filled with so much rage these days. They always say things like, “I understand exactly what you are feeling,” or “I’m here if you need anything.” Bullshit. Complete bullshit. No one understands completely. Sometimes, they don’t really need you to understand. They just want you to be there for them. They don’t want your empty words.

It’s odd. Something that I will never understand is how I can always point out people like this, yet it doesn’t hurt any less when they finally come out of the woodwork. Why is that? Does it ever get better, or do you just get used to it and eventually become numb to it. Unfortunately being numb to something, doesn’t make you care any less. I just get so fucked up about it because there isn’t a damn thing in this world that doesn’t matter to me. People would argue that that is a good thing. Unfortunately, I disagree.

People like this are like cyanide. Their words are tasteless and poisonous. They make you sick until you eventually die. Either physically, or metaphorically. Kind of like me. A little piece of me dies every day because I am constantly being poisoned by this bullshit. It’s becoming a part of me. I just hope being around these people doesn’t eventually make me become them. God help anyone around me if that ever happens.




Your Next Favorite Artist

You know I had to do another one…

I have a confession to make. A few months ago, I wasn’t so crazy about writing anymore. It had lost its lackluster. I just sort of felt like there wasn’t much reason to do it anymore. I didn’t think anyone was reading my posts anyway. I hadn’t really had any hits except for a few friends that I told about it. I was gonna hang it all up. The one thing that was supposed to make me happy. Just when I was gonna delete my page for good, along comes someone I didn’t expect would make me wanna keep writing again. That person is Solo and his brother C-Webb.

If you keep up with my blog, you might remember me mentioning them in my post titled “Not Rappers… Artists.” They are local rap artists in my home town. Solo came to me while I was taking out the trash and let me listen to one of his songs. I loved it. I loved the fact that it actually had lyrics and great ones at that, but that wasn’t the thing that I loved most about it. The thing I REALLY LOVED about it, was that it gave me an idea. Something to write about. More so, something that would end up being my most popular post in that month. He also helped me realize what I was missing in my writing that made people read it. The funny thing is, it was tags and new categories. I was only writing in one style, and about the same thing over and over. All it needed was a small change and it really changed my perspective of everything. Now, people actually read my writing. They even tell me that they love it. I never really got a chance to thank them for sort of paving the way for me, so this post is for them. I look forward to hearing more of your music.

Oh you thought I was finished?…

Not quite yet… There are a couple of other artists that I need to mention that inspire me as well. First off, let me mention a guy that I know named Roger AKA “Willy.” I work with him at the college I cook for. He was formally one of the cooks, but now he works for catering. I finally got the opportunity to hear a snippet from one of his upcoming songs. This mans voice has such a melodic flow to it that I can’t even begin to describe. You would have to hear it for yourself to understand. That isn’t why I am writing about him though. He is always the one to give me awesome compliments on my writing. He even told me that I am a great writer and that he can’t wait to read my book when it’s finished(if it ever does get finished.) I just wanted to thank you for that man. You really keep me confident in my writing and it is greatly appreciated.

Last, but not least….

My boy Bennie…. I got the opportunity to meet him for the first time at work. It’s crazy how many great artist that I have the pleasure of working with and Bennie is definitely that. He let me hear a song that he is working on. The way he flows on his beats is just crazy. Not only that, but you really appreciate his lyrics because they are so real. He talks about his struggle from childhood to now and you can just relate to every verse. Get this though, he not only raps, but he sings as well…and it’s really good! Not that I am surprised though. Bennie is an awesome person in general and I hope he goes far in his music. Him and his group “North Gang” are working on releasing an album very soon. I really want to thank him though for always being the one to tell me how awesome my posts are. He is always willing to read them for me. Even when it’s randomly during lunch when I’m sure he would rather not be bothered. Thank you man. I appreciate the feedback.

All these guys have no idea how much they help me every day. I just hope they continue with their music because we really need good artists and they are definitely that. I’ll be one of the first ones in line for the albums too. Thanks guys. This post was for you.






I lose myself sometimes. Nowadays I get lost more than ever. It starts with this ache… Just a painful ache that comes without warning. I have no idea why it happens. I have no idea how to stop it. It’s just there… lingering inside. 

Next comes that blank stare. The kind of stare that could drill a hole into the wall. I can’t move. I can barely breathe. Everything just shuts down. Everything else around me seems to disappear until there is nothing left, but me and these 4 fucking walls.

The walls then disappear until there is nothing. Nothing, but my own thoughts to keep me company in this seemingly infinite darkness. You never know when it will end, or if it will end at all. 

That’s when it finally hits me. This strange sense of calm. I suddenly forget that I was ever down. This doesn’t happen often, so when it does, it’s a gift. That’s what happens when I suddenly think of the few great friends that I have. The ones that are always there when I have my bad times. 

There are days when I feel like I’m just gonna drift away. Days where I get to the point where I don’t wanna fight anymore. The only thing that keeps me here is my anchor. My friends that hold me down when I need them the most. I don’t know what I would do without them. Well… actually yeah I do. 


8 Summers

8 Summers ago….

I had FINALLY moved out of my parents house and moved in with a few friends from work. Times were great then. For the first time in so long I was genuinely happy. I no longer had to do things on anyone else’s time but my own. I didn’t feel so alone because I finally had someone to talk to and hang out with. I got to meet a lot of new people because we would have parties almost every weekend. It’s been 8 Summers since I smiled… I miss happiness.

8 Summers ago…

 I had FINALLY got my drivers license. My dad had been trying to teach me how to drive since I was 15. I hated learning from him. He made me nervous as hell because he would yell so loud if I even went ONE MILE over the speed limit. It took so long for me to gain the confidence to have my dad take me to the DMV. Since I was over 21 at the time, I got to do the written and drivers test on the same day if I wanted. It took me 3 freakin tries to pass the written test. Once I finally passed it, I decided to wait to take the drivers test. I failed the test the first time because I accidentally went 45 in a 40 and I turned the wheels the wrong way hill parking. I got to take it the next day thankfully and I passed. I was so happy. It was my birthday when I passed as well and as an added bonus, my parents gave me my first car that day. It’s been 8 Summers since I did that… I miss freedom. 

8 Summers ago…

 I got the courage to finally start talking to girls. I hadn’t had a relationship since high school and the breakup was pretty bad. I ended up meeting the girl that would change my whole outlook on life since then. It was crazy at first. At the time, she was already taken, but for some reason, I still wanted to pursue her. It took a little over 6 months until she was single and we began to talk. When we finally made it official it was so great. She actually asked ME out. She would always come over. We would stay up late just talking. We didn’t even have to be talking about anything specific. We dated for 3 years before it ended. To this day, it was the worst breakup I ever had. It’s been 8 Summers since we first kissed… I miss comfort.

8 Summers ago…

I was 22 then. Time didn’t seem to pass by as fast in those times. I had a car, a girlfriend, and my own place. I couldn’t have been happier. Why did I screw that up? Why did I make it so I lost all of that at the same time? I really need to stop beating myself up about it. I learned a lot of valuable lessons in those times. I finally learned how it was in the real world. I finally learned what most people’s intentions were. I’m 30 years old now. A lot has changed, but not really at the same time. I’m still trying to figure put my life. It sucks, but I just have to keep moving forward. It’s been 8 Summers since my life officially began… I miss who I was back then. 


Day 59: Where Was I Again?

Oh yeah…

So… It’s terrifying walking in my neighborhood at night.  I live off of a highway in a very small town. There are a lot of woodsy areas around me filled with animals that I really wouldn’t want to have attack me in the dark. Mainly skunks and raccoons, but we sometimes get the occasional coyote. There are also no lights until you get close to the Walmart across the street from me and it’s a ways down. It’s odd though… It’s not the sounds at night that creep me out. In fact, there really isn’t any sound at all. It’s always pretty quiet. That is what freaks me out the most. I would never walk or ride at night if I didn’t have my Motion City Soundtrack playlist.

They have become my new favorite band. Never have I listened to an album where I relate to EVERY song. I have listened to all of their albums to date and that is still the case. It’s actually interesting how I found them. No one told about this band. Let me take you back to 2010.

I was working at Wal-Mart at the time. Life was a hell of a lot harder than. I had just recently moved out of my parent’s house and moved in with a few people that I worked with. It wasn’t long before all of my roommates ditched me in an $1100 a month house that I couldn’t afford to pay for by myself. I worked in Electronics, so I got to be next to all the CDs and DVDs. 

Anyways, I had kept walking by a specific album by Motion City Soundtrack titled “My Dinosaur Life.” The cover art was kinda cool. It had this green cartoon Dinosaur on it. I thought it looked pretty cool, so I bought it. 

Usually, I check songs out before I just buy full albums, but I thought “What the heck. I’m just gonna give it a shot. They had me hooked from the very first song. It was titled “Worker Bee.” The first verse goes like this. “It’s been a good year. A good new beginning. I’m through with the oldschool, so let’s commence the winnings. I’ve been a good little worker bee. I deserve a gold star.” 

These guys are all adults singing about life and how they haven’t quite figured it out yet. I relate to that on a spiritual level. Every song on their first CD depictided my life to a T… It was almost as if they were singing about me and my life. 

This band has made my life 1000% easier to deal with. It basically teaches me that it’s not really that bad that I still haven’t figured life out yet. Anyone who reads this should really check them out. My favorite song by them is titled “Timelines.” It’s a song off of their album titled “Go.” Check them out. 
-Valken The Centenar 


Hope You Can Fit A Size 14

Here he is again…. Just sitting with this blank stare on his face. A beer in one hand and his phone in the other. He has no idea why he has his phone. No one calls him. Not anyone he cares about anyway. Most of his friends message him on FB or other messaging apps. He’s fine with this because he only has a small number of people that he can stand to be on the phone with. Talking to people is exhausting for him anymore because everyone always talks about the same fucking thing over… and over… .and over…. Either work, school, the dumb fuck that they slept with last night, while drunk. It’s all the same.

He’s listening to that same song again. The same song over and over. The song that reminds him of his ex and all of his former friends that left him for whatever reason. The reason doesn’t matter to him anymore. He knows he shouldn’t play it, but for some reason, despite the lonely feeling he gets, he still wants to hang on to the small memories of them. He takes a sip of his beer.

He forgot to eat again. His stomach is constantly growling from hunger, but he can’t fix himself to get up. “I ate a big lunch yesterday. I should be fine,” he says to himself. He didn’t. He isn’t.  He is nowhere NEAR fine. He keeps holding on to every terrible memory of the past. He tries not to, but he can’t. You see… That’s his curse. He remembers… everything… He takes another sip of his beer.

His teeth are rotting out of his mouth. He makes up all the excuses in the world, but he knows the truth. Everyone else probably does too. It’s a combination of poor dental hygiene and a former addiction to prescription meds. He just gave up. He just stopped caring about his teeth. Soon… He stopped caring about everything. He takes another sip of his beer.

He’s staring at that fucking wall again… What’s he thinking about this time? All the work he is going to get done? Finally finishing school? No. Of course not. He’s thinking about the same damn thing all the time. His bullshit job. His ex that left him because he was a fucking loser. His friends that left him because they couldn’t handle his constant depression and anxiety. He goes to take another sip of his bee… No! He shouts “Fuck it!” loud enough for the entire apartment complex to hear. He throws the bottle against the wall as hard as he can. The glass breaks all over the floor. Some even hits him in the face, but he doesn’t care. He just can’t take it anymore. He can’t stand to live in the fucked up situation anymore. He looks at the bottle of pills next to him…. He goes to reach for it, but stops.

“No,” he says. “I’m not going to go out like that. I still have plenty of people that I care about. People that would be really messed up if I go like this.” He stands up. Cleans the glass up off the floor. He then pours himself a glass of water and makes a sandwich. He is starting to feel better. Things just got bad again. It happens every once in a while. The only thing keeping him going is the fact that he has great friends. Not many, but good enough where he doesn’t need a lot. The ones he has are enough.

The man in this story is me. I struggle so much with my depression and anxiety and I constantly fight this every day. I have help now though. Though I feel alone every day, I know that I am not alone. No… They aren’t enough to completely cure my depression and anxiety. That’s ok though. They help me get through it. They never leave me. That’s all that matters. That’s more than enough.





People often knock online friendships. They write them off as imaginary, or simply not realistic. Well I say that is complete bullshit. I have had bigger connections with people that I haven’t even met yet, than people that I see every day. I don’t think many have been bigger than the one I have with one of my best online friends, Sam.

Over the past 4 years that we have known each other, we have become really close. It feels like a lot longer. I learn so much about her every day I talk to her. I never even imagined that we would end up being such great friends. When I first met her, it was with a group of a lot of other people that already knew her. I didn’t even think we would talk after that day, but here we are. 4 years strong and I couldn’t be happier to have her as a friend.

She doesn’t know this, but I really love the fact that she sends me invites the second I get online. It actually means a lot to have someone even a little happy to talk to me. She has no idea how much she means to me. There was actually a period of a year where we couldn’t talk because I didn’t have my PlayStation(that’s how we met.) That didn’t matter though because when I got one, we picked up like it was just yesterday.

I know you’re going to read this, Sam, so I am now going to speak directly to you. I want you to know how proud I am of the person you have become, despite what you’ve been through. I love that you are still loving and caring to those that are close to you. I am very happy for you and Dallis and I hope that you two will go far together. I am SO happy that we are still friends and I cannot wait to meet you in August.
