
You’re Fucking Hilarious, Cave Man

So I went on this date a few years back. I had been talking to this girl for a few months, so when I finally got the courage I asked her out. It was my first date in over two years, so I thought it would be nice.

So we get our food and we begin to talk about what we liked to do for fun. She was very athletic, so she like running, hiking, bike riding and a lot of other outdoor activities. I live that too, but what I really enjoy is reading and writing.

When I told her this, she had a really disgusted look on her face. She then was like “Who can just sit down and read a book? Like, how is that enjoyable. You really should get out more. Maybe then, you’ll start to enjoy something more constructive.”

That is word for word what she told me. Constuctive. CONSTRUCTIVE???! Last I checked reading is a pretty constructive hobby to have. The way she was talking about it, it was almost as if I offended her.

Look… I have no problem at all if you’re not into the same things as me. If you don’t like reading. Just say you don’t like it. Don’t talk to me as if I have a serious problem because I read for enjoyment. Reading is good for the mind weither you’re reading fiction, or non-fiction.

Needless to say, there wasn’t a second date. Saying that in the way that she did made me immediately lose interest. I’m not so sure that it would worked our anyway because I not only read a lot, I write as well. If she feels that way about people who read, it would probably be the same for someone who writes.

As a writer, support is a very big deal for me. Especially since I also suffer from severe anxiety and depression. No I’m not saying they have to like my writing by any means. I’m just saying don’t rip my soul apart for doing something that gives me even a small sense of comfort. Comfort is hard to come by these days, so I can use all I can get.